Terms and Conditions

General information in compliance with Law 34/2002 (LSSICE)

Welcome to the Weplay.shop Terms and Conditions page.

In compliance with Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), we inform you that the ownership of the website www.weplay.shop, corresponds to Iván Fernández González with DNI 53533714H, registered office at C / Fermín Suaárez 5 bajo 33212 Gijón, Asturias.

Purpose and scope

These Terms and Conditions regulate the conditions of use and contracting of the different products offered on the website www.weplay.shop, as well as the conditions of sale of the client's products to Weplay.

Both the navigation and the acquisition of any of the products offered in it, imply the user's acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Weplay reserves the right to update the conditions published herein at any time and without prior notice.

The Terms and Conditions are always accessible on the website of weplay.shop so that the user can consult them.

Terms and Conditions revised on June 21, 2022.

Procedure for orders, invoices and payment methods

Once you place your order you will receive an email with all the information of your order, products, amounts, taxes and shipping costs. You can also consult it in your customer file. At the time the order is shipped, you can download the electronic invoice in the "Orders and Invoices" section from your account on the web.

You authorize Weplay to contact you and communicate by the means you have provided us, (email, call, SMS or Whatsapp), those modifications in the conditions of service, processing of orders, payments and wallet that Weplay considers important or relevant to you, as an essential part of the service, and without necessarily being subscribed to any list, and without this being considered spam. For example, processing, cancellation, or return of orders, repairs, claims or guarantees, modification of the balance or expiration of coupons and wallet, exceptional closures and openings to normal service. All of them will be considered an essential part of the conditions of service. However, it is your responsibility and obligation to be aware of and up to date with any updates to our Terms and Conditions and privacy policy by frequently visiting both pages. You further agree that Weplay has the ability, but not the obligation, to communicate personally to be valid.

Accepted forms of payment are PayPal, transfer and Bizum.

Shipping costs

Shipping times range from 24/72h (standard shipping). We cannot guarantee shipping deadlines, although we work to ensure that they are met by the agencies. All our shipments are made through Correos with tracking number.

The goods are covered by insurance against transport risks, loss and handling during transport. In case of receiving a product damaged by transport, you must contact us within the first 24 hours to be able to claim the incident from the transport company. Make sure that the package received is externally in good condition. Otherwise, it is advisable to note this fact on the delivery note of the carrier, and once the package is opened, if you observe any damage, notify us within 24 hours.

You can also choose to refuse the shipment and contact us to give you a solution.

The shipping costs for the peninsula (Spain and Portugal) will be € 4.99 up to 2 kilos of weight. From 2 kilos of weight the shipping cost becomes € 7.99.

Shipments to the Canary Islands and the Balearic Islands will cost € 9.95 for packages of less than 2 kilos and € 19.95 for packages weighing more than 2 kilos.

For any other destination other than peninsula (Spain and Portugal) the shipping costs will depend on the place of destination so it is always recommended to contact us to determine the final shipping rate.

Withdrawal conditions

The buyer shall have the right to withdraw from this contract within a period of 14 calendar days without the need for justification. The withdrawal period will expire 14 calendar days after the transport agency delivered the order. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the buyer must contact us through our email devoluciones@weplay.shop. Once we receive the mail we will send you the instructions to send it to us in your email.

The customer will then have an additional 7 days to return the products. The return costs will be borne by the customer, except in those cases in which the proven cause of the return is an original defect.

Once we receive the merchandise and check it, the refund of the amount in it will be processed. If you paid with PayPal, transfer, or Bizum the payment will be made in the same way you made the payment. The payment will be made within 48/72 hours from when we process the return.

The products subject to return must be in good condition, with their packaging, manuals, accessories or any kind of coupon or promotional advantages included. Otherwise, the product may be understood as depreciated.

The right of withdrawal will not be applicable to the following products, which as established by the Real

Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November:

  1. Sealed goods that are not suitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene and that have been unsealed after delivery.
  2. Goods made according to the client's specifications, and clearly customized.
  3. Software codes of digital content or unsealed mobile recharges.

Exclusively for companies, only returns of unsealed material in perfect condition will be accepted during the 14 days after receipt. Shipping costs will not be refunded.


Products' guarantee sold by www.weplay.shop is provided and established by virtue of the regulations contained in the current legislation. To exercise the right of guarantee you must send us an email to info@weplay.shop and you will receive the instructions to send it to us in your email.

Guarantee is addressed only to the holder (contractual party) that appears on the invoice and only the holder may demand it.

Condiciones de venta del usuario a WePlay

1- Seller's identity and Propososed Product's Ownership for Sale to Weplay.shopIdentidad del Vendedor y Propiedad de Productos Propuestos para la venta a Weplay.shop

Declaras que la información sobre su su identidad y la información adicional con la que te has registrado en la web es autentica y está actualizada. Te comprometes a que los productos enviados para su venta a Weplay, han sido adquiridos de forma lícita y son de tu total posesión, libres de cargas, gravámenes o embargos, que no son una falsificación o copia del producto original y que no vulneran ninguna normativa de propiedad industrial o intelectual.

2- Productos that contains Personal Data, Images or Videos

You declare that you have deleted all your personal data from the device. You also declare that you have the necessary and sufficient rights over the content included in the device to sell it to Weplay, and that you authorize Weplay for sale to third parties with such content, assuming all responsibility that may arise from it, and exempting Weplay from any responsibility. You also declare that you authorize Weplay to delete the data that Weplay deems appropriate without the need to request authorization from the client.

3- Procedure, Perfection and Conditions of Sale

You declare that the condition of the products is the one that you manifest in the description of the same when requesting the appraisal: NEW: sealed. EXCELLENT: As new with slight cosmetic wear in inconspicuous areas. GOOD: Good general condition, but with signs of having been used. Regular: The product shows obvious signs of wear, especially when they affect the most visible areas.

Weplay will offer an initial assessment to the sender based on and in accordance with the information provided by the sender.

This appraisal will be of an estimative nature and will be expressly conditioned to the physical verification of the products and their correct functioning by Weplay. Likewise, the appraisal will be valid for 7 days from the moment it is communicated to the client, being the same canceled if the products are not received during that period.

Weplay will collect the products free of charge at the address indicated by the customer, as long as the

final valuation of the products to be sent, exceeds € 30.00. The collection of free products is limited to the Iberian Peninsula and may be denied based on other criteria such as volume or fragility of the items or the customer's history.

Once the products are received and verified by Weplay, if the final appraisal differs from the initial one, Weplay will send a new appraisal to the customer, unless the final appraisal is higher, in which case it will be considered accepted. The final appraisal may be lower than the initial one if it is considered that the products have not been shipped under the specified conditions.

Weplay reserves the right to reject a purchase if it considers that the products received do not meet the conditions described when requesting the appraisal, do not present a minimum quality, their operation is not adequate or it is a non-original and / or modified product.

If the sender does not accept the price counter-offered by Weplay and, therefore, the sale of the products is not confirmed, the cost of the postage of the return of the products to their owner and / or sender of the same, will be borne by the latter.

The sender must request and pay the costs of returning the products not purchased within a maximum period of 7 days from the communication of the final appraisal. After this time, Weplay reserves the right to charge € 1 per day as a deposit. In the event that this amount reaches the figure offered by the products, Weplay is entitled to recycle the products, prior notice to the customer.

Weplay reserves the right to indefinitely interrupt the sales relationship with a customer for reasons such as, but not limited to:

h.1) Breach any of the points of this contract.

h.2) By order of the State Security Forces and Bodies when detecting illicit material.

The sender declares and declares to know that the contractual relationship described here and in particular the procedure, perfection and conditions of the sale is developed with Weplay. Weplay may modify the conditions of sale described herein without prior notification to the customer.

Applicable lea and jurisdiction

Relationship between the user and Weplay is governed by current Spanish regulations and any dispute will be submitted to the Spanish Courts and Tribunals.

Online dispute resolution in consumer matters in accordance with Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013:

The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform which is available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

This platform serves as a one-stop shop for the out-of-court settlement of disputes relating to contractual obligations arising from contracts for the purchase or provision of online services to which a consumer is a party.

Contact, complaints and claims

If you want to communicate with us you can do so in our email info@weplay.shop

Any written communication can be made to the following address:


c/ Fermín Suárez 5 bajo

33212 Gijón - Asturias